The Women’s Committee identifies, recommends, and assists in coordinating initiatives for women performers of ACTRA Montreal and reports on such initiatives to the Montreal Branch Council. Women’s Committee initiatives shall further the goals and objectives of ACTRA, its Constitution, By-laws and strategic plan.

Initiatives shall promote:

  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA, its policies, objectives, and results;
  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA Member services;
  • Community building among the female members of ACTRA Montreal Membership.

On behalf of Branch Council, the Committee shall:

  1. Select, from among its membership, a Committee Chair;
  2. Solicit additional Committee participation from ACTRA Montreal members-at-large;
  3. Recognize a female ACTRA Montreal member to honour for International Women’s Day;
  4. Monitor and develop initiatives to encourage the growth of work opportunities specific to female performers in ACTRA Montreal;
  5. Embolden the community of female performers in ACTRA Montreal through networking, resource sharing and promotion initiatives;
  6. Support other committees of ACTRA Montreal in the development and implementation of community building initiatives;
  7. Work constructively with the ACTRA Montreal Public Relations Officer and other staff resources as assigned.

Note: People who identify as a woman or non-binary are welcome to join and participate in
this committee.

Approved by ACTRA Montreal Council June 19th 2012. Revised: January 14, 2020.