Stunt Committee

The ACTRA Montreal Stunt Committee is an ad–hoc committee whose members are appointed by the Montreal Branch Council. The Stunt Committee identifies, recommends, and assists in coordinating initiatives for the stunt community of ACTRA Montreal and reports on such initiatives to the Montreal Branch Council. The Stunt Committee initiatives shall further the goals and objectives of ACTRA, its Constitution, By-laws, and strategic plan. Initiatives shall promote:
- Awareness and understanding of ACTRA, its policies, objectives, and results;
- Awareness and understanding of ACTRA Member services;
- Community-building among the stunt community of the ACTRA Montreal Membership.
On behalf of the Branch Council, the committee shall:
- Have as its Chair the Montreal Branch Council President;
- Solicit participation from the ACTRA Montreal Stunt community-at-large;
- Value the input of any and all stunt community members regardless of affiliations;
- Encourage transparency and open dialogue within the stunt community;
- Provide leadership for the ACTRA Montreal Stunt community;
- Embolden the community of stunt performers through networking, resource sharing, and the transfer of knowledge from veterans to new and young stunt performers;
- Work constructively with ACTRA Montreal and ACTRA National on issues related to health & safety and collective bargaining;
- Educate and promote within the stunt community a culture of safety, accountability and dignity & respect, to ensure the highest standards of professionalism.
Approved by Branch Council: May 10, 2016. Revised: January 16, 2018.