The Young Emerging Artists’ Assembly (YEAA) of ACTRA Montreal identifies, recommends, and assists in coordinating initiatives for young and/or emerging artists of ACTRA Montreal and reports on such initiatives to the Montreal Branch Council. YEAA initiatives shall further the goals and objectives of ACTRA, its Constitution, By-laws, and strategic plan. Initiatives shall promote:

  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA, its policies, objectives, and results;
  • Awareness and understanding of ACTRA Member services;
  • Community building among the young and/or emerging members of ACTRA Montreal

On behalf of the Branch Council, the Committee shall:

  1. Select, from among its membership, a Committee Chair;
  2. Solicit additional Committee participation from ACTRA Montreal members-at-large;
  3. Educate future members of ACTRA through outreach to Montreal theatre schools with programs whose degrees constitute qualifying credit for Apprentice Membership in ACTRA;
  4. Organize the MIP film festival (Short Film Festival) annually;
  5. Promote the virtues of ACTRA low-budget agreements and the importance of producing union through outreach to student filmmakers;
  6. Embolden the community of young and/or emerging members in ACTRA Montreal through networking, resource sharing, and promotion initiatives;
  7. Seek cost-effective strategies, and identify and report on any material budgetary implications associated with YEAA activities;
  8. Support other committees of ACTRA Montreal in the development and implementation of community-building initiatives;
  9. Work constructively with the ACTRA Montreal Public Relations Officer and other staff resources as assigned.

Approved by ACTRA Montreal Council June 19th, 2012. Revised: January 16, 2018. Revised: January 14, 2020